Marques Jordi

Implantology, Soft Tissue Surgery, Implants in the aesthetic zone
Beechview Dental Care, 451-453 Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 6DD, Northern Ireland
Jordi graduated as a dentist at the International University of Catalunya (UIC). He also completed a Masters Degree in Clinical Research and a three-year International Masters in Oral Surgery and Implantology at the same institution. Since then, he has collaborated with several clinics in London, Spain and recently in Belfast. The Clinical Practice of Jordi is in the field of Implant Dentistry. He has significant experience and expertise in the treatment of bone tissue regeneration, implant related surgical procedures as well as soft tissue management. Jordi is a University Professor and a Clinical Lecturer at UIC where he teaches only Masters and Postgraduate students of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department. He regularly attends congresses, lectures and conferences on all aspects of Implantology to maintain his knowledge in this field. Jordi is someone who intends to make patients oral surgery experience as pleasant as possible. In his spare time, he enjoys practicing sport and travelling.
Sweden & Martina SpA
Via Veneto 10 - 35020 Due Carrare (PD) - Italy
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R.E.A. 123527
Reg. Imp. PD n. 00401550280
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